Title: Chinese Zodiac (2012)
IMDB Rating: 6.4/10
Genres: Action , Adventure
Actors: Jackie Chan , Laura Weissbecker , Xingtong Yao , Sang-woo Kwone , Oliver Platt , Caitlin Dechelle , Kenny G , Emilie Guillot , Alaa Safi , Zhang Lanxin , Rani Bheemuck , Sung-jun Yoo , Ken Lo , Steven Dasz , Paul Philip Clark
Runtime: 120
Year: 2012
Asian Hawk (<a href="/name/nm0000329/?ref_=tt_stry_pl">Jackie Chan</a>) leads a mercenary team to recover several lost artifacts from the Old Summer Palace| the
bronze heads of the 12 Chinese Zodiac animals which was looted by foreigners in the 1800s. Assisted by a Chinese student and a Parisian lady| Hawk stops at nothing
to accomplish the mission.